Very relaxing. It's a shame no one has used it in their animations yet.
Very relaxing. It's a shame no one has used it in their animations yet.
Best use of autotune ever!
The greatest thing ever made about anything ever
And I mean ever.
This is great
Perfect for walking in lines with a large gang of people whilst under the influence of slow motion
Great music
I never tire of this when killing people with my shark.
funny in a screwed up way. peadophilia FTW! :D
That high voice is so funny. You move drom on voice to another without it sounding redundant. That is a feat./
I call this genre fallafal techno
best it sounds kinda middle eastern and it is also electronic.
holy crap
you change a simple repeditive theme and use lots of different sounds to make something wholly original. I bet you could make a fine arangement of the final fantasy theme with just a blender and a spoon/
Age 31, Male
What's that?
Perth, W.A
Joined on 7/5/09